What Is Rent Control?

Rent Control allows local governments to control how much rent landlords can charge for their rental units

Will rent control stop rent increases?

No, rent control virtually guarantees landlords will increase rents every year.

Will rent control solve our housing crisis in Long Beach?

No. Rent control has the potential to drastically DECREASE the affordable housing supply because landlords are incentivized to take their units off the market.

In some cases, rent control actually increases rent in some units, according to a study from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Rent control results in lower quality housing and deteriorating neighborhoods.

Rent control plays a major role in the housing shortages in cities like San Francisco and Santa Monica.

Will rent control protect low-income and economically disadvantaged communities now and in the future?

The beneficiaries of rent controlled units are predominantly white, well educated, young , professionally employed and affluent. One-third of rent control tenants in San Francisco are wealthy and will never move. Rent control is not helping the people who need it most.